
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

We believe God is doing great things through our children. Our programs are for preschoolers to 6th grade. Our staff and volunteers love and have fun with our children as they begin their faith journey through an introduction to God's Word and participation in the life of our community.

Children are welcome in worship. We offer a Children's Message at our 9AM worship, and our children's programs meet on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. Please Contact Us for more information.

Godly Play:
On Sunday mornings, children (grades K-4) and volunteers participate in Godly Play. This curriculum is designed to take participants through God's stories as they are recorded in Scripture with opportunities to explore God's presence in our lives, to hear where God may be speaking, and respond to God's call in our lives.

Vacation Bible School:
Each summer we invite children, youth, and adults to participate in a week of learning, fun, and service projects. Through this experience, children learn about Jesus and form a foundation of faith.

Faith Stepping Stones:
As children grow, there are important markers on their journey of faith. These markers are moments for us to pause, learn and celebrate as our families continue in God's story. We take time to honor these Steps in Faith from Baptism, to First Communion instruction, through Graduating High School.

Contact Us

How can we help?

Please complete the form below and we will forward your inquiry to the appropriate member of our leadership team.